Kacy Wiley and Alec Bartow Wedding Registry

Kacy Wiley and Alec Bartow Wedding

July 9, 2016

To purchase from this registry please call 423-929-9007.

WoodstockTumblerLargeSimon Pearce Woodstock Tumbler Large40$70
WoodstockTumblerSmallSimon Pearce Woodstock Tumbler Small40$65
LastraDinnerPlateVietri Dinner Plate44$44
LastraSaladPlateVietri Salad Plate44$38
LastraSaltandPepperVietri Salt and Pepper10$62
LastraOilCanVietri Olive Oil Can11$55
LastraSquareBakerVietri Square Baker10$141
LastraCerealBowlVietri Cereal Bowl42$38
las-2611w-1400-product-imageVietri Jumbo Mug41$42
Vietri Slate Links Taupe Placemats40$14
SlateLinksNapkinVietri Slate Links Napkins40$16
WhiteHandledSquarePlatterVietri Handled Square Platter10$134